Researcher, developer, consultant. Independent.
As an independent researcher and consultant I am involved in research assessments and the development of new approaches and indicators for evaluation. My professional interest is: truthful and relevant assessments. It is important to demonstrate the efficacy of research in the broadest sense, scientifically and in society.
I developed the Contextual Response Analysis, also in the context of the Europese FP7 programme SIAMPI (Social Impact Assessment Methods of Productive Interactions). This is an approach to demonstrate societal and scientific use of research. Many public research institutes in The Netherlands use this method, as do universities and institutes abroad. See this list hier.
In recent years I have been involved in assesments in many fields, such as the social sciences, humanities, policy research, health care and medical research, climate research or mechanical engineering. And I was involved in the development of QRiH, the system for demonstrating quality and relevance in the Humanities.
My background is sociology and science and technology studies at the University of Amsterdam. My dissertation ‘Aging and Expertise’ was about the changing relations in the neurosciences, geriatrics and psychiatry in the context of the welfare state in the US, UK and the Netherlands.